‘It’s my mother tongue’: the fight for a fifth co-official Spanish language


Spaniards easily understand the Asturias vernacular, but official recognition may further fracture Spain linguistically

In the tiny village of Martimporra (population 16), nestling among the lush green hills and valleys typical of Asturias, Orfelina Suárez, 58, runs a household goods shop.

“If I was only allowed to speak Spanish I’d struggle with some vocabulary because I’m used to speaking Asturian,” she says.

“Without Asturian, life around here would be impossible. It’s not about geography, it’s more of an emotional terrain. You can’t underestimate the importance of a language that you speak and live and feel.”

Martimporra is in Bimenes, a district where the Asturian language has officially enjoyed equal status with Spanish since 1998.… Lês fierder

Kollum Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm: Aaifine


Ik lei it boek On Drinking fan Charles Bukowski op ‘e toanbank yn ‘e boekewinkel. “Dochs gjin kadootsje foar ien dy ‘t oan dry january docht?”, frege de ferkeaper. “Nee hear, in kado foar ien dy’t fan Bukowski hâldt, en fan syn tema’s”, andere ik.

“Dat kin dan yndied net ien wêze dy’t oan dry january docht”, lake de ferkeaper. Mei in fleurich gefoel oer dy aktuele konkelerij gie ik, bút ûnder de earm, op nei de supermerk. Hie ik dochs mar moai fêst in kado foar in jierdei oer 14 dagen yn it foar kocht, yn stee fan gau in fleske wyn op ‘e dei fan it feest.… Lês fierder

New gender-neutral pronoun likely to enter Norwegian dictionaries


A new gender-neutral pronoun is likely to enter the official Norwegian language within a year, the Language Council of Norway has confirmed.

“Hen” would become an alternative to the existing singular third-person pronouns, the feminine “hun” and the masculine “han”.

“Over time, we have seen that the actual use of hen has increased and stabilised,” Daniel Ims, a representative of the council, told Norwegian media.

Ims said that while gender-neutral pronouns had been discussed in Norway’s linguistic and grammar community for some time, the arguments for their use were not initially mirrored by Norwegian speech patterns.

Lês fierder by The GuardianLês fierder

Kollum Gerard de Jong: gvuL3kiyVK8OSNFCmDdY


Deuze kollum die’t ik nou skriif is al ‘s útskreven. Alle boeken die’t ooit skreven binne en ooit skreven worre sille bestaan al. De krant fan 25 jannewary 2075, de adfertînsy fan myn ferstorven, ’t misbrúkskandaal bij ‘The Voice’, ’n anklacht werin at ik fan moord beskuldigd wor: ’t staat allegaar al skreven.

In ’t korte ferhaal ‘The Library of Babel’ beskriift Jorge Luis Borges ’n bibletheek der’t alle mooglike teksten in opsloegen staan. Alle teksten – of: letterkombinasys – die’t wij met de 26 letters skrive kinne, binne fersameld in boeken fan 410 pagina’s, op nummerde planken an nummerde muren in nummerde heksagonale kamers in de bibletheek fan Babel.… Lês fierder

Blog Sigrid Kingma: Febrewaris folgje


‘Wêrom skriuwst net wat faker in blog, Sigrid? Dan wurde we in bytsje meinommen yn wat der om dy hinne bart.’ Dat is in goed idee. No’t ik werom bin fan in búkgryp, ha ik in soad wurk lizzen, dus genôch te dwaan om oer te skriuwen. Alle dagen fan febrewaris sil ik in stikje skriuwe oer wat my dwaande hâldt. Sa hâlde we dochs in bytsje bining mei inoar.

Lês fierder by Sigrid KingmaLês fierder