“We Are Always Present in What We Write”: An Exchange between Emmanuel Carrère and Daniel Mendelsohn


They’ve read and admired one another for ages, but they’d never had an occasion to talk to each other. Emmanuel Carrère and Daniel Mendelsohn are among those writers who, over the past decade, have most profoundly impacted first-person nonfiction—literature itself, in short.

Lês en sjoch fierder by Words without bordersLês fierder

Kollum Ferdinand de Jong: Het Grotere Maatschappelijke Belang


Wy libje yn aparte tiden. De komplotten fleane jo om de earen, mar wat is no wier? Ik besykje my mar ta de feiten te beheinen en dy binne al konfrontearjend genôch. In pear foarbylden: Yn it foarste plak nochris de fraach oan jim, hoe komt in firus út Sina oeral op de wrâld telâne, sels op plakken boppe de poalsirkel dêr’t jo allinnich mar mei it fleantúch komme kinne?

Lês fierder by Omrop FryslânLês fierder

The Very French Fight Over Reuniting Rimbaud and Verlaine in the Pantheon


Obsessing as so many are on the small niceties of American politics—i.e., the final confrontation between the forces of light and darkness on which all of humanity’s future depends—let us spare a moment’s thought for a couple of obscure French poets and their fate. (The poets themselves are not obscure, but their work often is, and deliberately so.) The poets are Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine, and the fate that they, or their remains—or if you are a romantic, as they were, their ghosts—face is whether they should be moved into the position of the highest imaginable honor in their country, or whether they would be better honored by being deprived of the honor.… Lês fierder

Blog Koos Tiemersma: Lytserop


Dizze column soe oer Toon Hermans, Wim Sonneveld en Wim Kan gean kinne. Of, om it wat mear literêr te hâlden, oer Gerard Reve, Harry Mulisch en Willem Frederik Hermans. Allegear mis. Nee, ik woe it ris hawwe oer De Grutte Trije ûnder de Fryske útjouwers, oftewol de Afûk, Friese Pers Boekerij en Bornmeer. En dêrby myn kar foar in lytsere útjouwer…

Lês fierder by Koos TiemersmaLês fierder

Kollum Hilda Talsma: Samhain


Moarn is it alwer de lêste dei fan oktober en op dizze dei fierden de Kelten Samhain. It skynt ien fan de âldste feesten te wêzen dy’t troch ferskate kultueren fierd waard om in healjier sinneljocht ôf te sluten. Tagelyk wie it ek de tarieding op de winter en it begjin fan in nij jier. Foar de Kelten begûn alles út it tsjuster wei. In nije dei begûn ek as de sinne ûnder gong en net om tolve oere nachts.

Lês fierder by Omrop FryslânLês fierder