When comfort reading won’t cut it: books to restore hope in humanity


The most hopeful thing about books is that they exist. Is it not a miracle to look at a shelf and see the vast range of human experience laid out before us? How remarkable that someone picked up a quill or a typewriter or a laptop and set about distilling their thoughts and ideas into such a perfect delivery mechanism. Every first page functions as the wardrobe door that will open up and show me a new Narnia.

Lês fierder by The GuardianLês fierder

Teleks: Oertsjongsters moatte mear ‘Woordwies’ wurde mei app fan streektaalklups


Op de app Woordwies fan streektaalorganisaasjes út de Stellingwerven, Grinslân, Drinte, Oerisel en de Achterhoek koene brûkers earder al Nederlânske wurden oersette yn in streektaal, mar no kin it ek oarsom: brûkers kinne mei de app de betsjutting fan Stellingwerfske wurden riede. Sa kinne de ynwenners fan ûnder oare West- en Eaststellingwerf, it gebiet ûnder de Tsjonger, wat better yn ‘e kunde komme mei it skreaune Stellingwerfsk.

Lês fierder by Omrop FryslânLês fierder

Blog Jaap Slager: That´s how the Frisian language crumbles


Hi C,

I can see where you’re coming from. I’ll think about it and see what springs to mind.
It’s funny though that you should mention how the well-being of their livestock is part of the day-to-day conversations of people in Amharic culture, as Frisia is a traditionally agricultural society of independent (important part of the so-called “Frisian Freedom”) livestock farmers as well. You may have heard of the world-famous Frisian Cow, that are all centrally registered with distinctive features and line of ancestry, as well as of the dairy products that for many centuries were Frisia’s main source of exports to its overseas English neighbors.… Lês fierder