Blog Koos Tiemersma: Go fuck yourself


‘It feit dat Koos Tiemersma him der net ta sette kin om myn stikje te ‘liken’ seit al genôch. Krityk wurdt faak persoanlik lutsen, as je blike litte dat je it der mei iens binne, falle je de bekritisearre skriuwer wer ôf, dat wolle je net yn sa’n lyts wrâldsje as dat fan ús, dus…. oeral stilte.’

Also sprach Abe de Vries op Facebook neidat ik wól in reaksje op wat oars jûn hie, mar net op syn publikaasje oer in gedicht fan Arjan Hut sa’t dy te lêzen is op Seedyksterfeartfisk. Earst mar even it wêrom fan myn net-liken. Dat hie neat te krijen mei it al of net ôffallen fan yn dit gefal Arjan Hut, mar mei it feit dat ik it hiele gedicht net lêzen hie.… Lês fierder

Kollum Henk van der Veer: “Saanloper”


Twee weken leden ploften der mar liefst 3 roukaarten op een dach bij oans op’e kokosmat en dat gebeurt hieltyd faker. Is niks aparts an met ut klimmen fan’e jaren.
Ut bultsje met kondoleaansekaarten mut regelmatech anfuld wurde. Dy kaarten om nabestaanden feul sterkte toe te wênsen, troast te bieden, binne der in alle soarten en maten. Mar foar su fer ik weet nyt in ut Snekers òf in andere minderheidtalen in Fryslaan.

Lês fierder by Omrop FryslânLês fierder

The Sound of Ancient Languages As You’ve Never Heard Them Before (Video)


Ancient languages , once mere written symbols on aged parchments, have now been brought to life through the marvel of artificial intelligence. In a captivating video, AI has breathed audible existence into tongues long lost to the annals of history. Old Norse, Latin, Old English , Proto-Celtic, Hittite, and Akkadian, each as unique as the civilizations that once spoke them, now resonate with newfound vitality. This linguistic revival offers a bridge to our past, unlocking the auditory secrets of bygone eras. It is as if a time machine has allowed us to eavesdrop on conversations in long-forgotten marketplaces or hear the hymns of ancient rituals.… Lês fierder

Get on the bus: banned books tour hits the road, from New York to Texas


Bus driver Carlos Benjamin leans on the vehicle that will be something of a home to him and his crew for the month of October. It’s huge and covered in graphics, and printed on the side in yellow and black are the words “Banned Books Tour 2023”.

The bus isn’t stacked with the usual road-trip items, such as coffee cups, clothes or daily supplies. It’s filled with thousands of books. As part of an initiative spearheaded by the New Republic, the books will be driven throughout the US to spread awareness about literary censorship and the freedom to read. Beginning in New York earlier this week, the bookmobile will visit several states and end in Texas later this month.… Lês fierder